The Original StrongerGrip Thor Hammer has returned.
16 years ago when StrongerGrip began, grip was the goal. The thick handle Thor hammer was like holding a bolt of lightning! Swinging it and smashing for as long as your grip would allow would bestow grip like an Asgardian god. These will be done in flame color and finished metal color.
What makes the SG Thor Hammer leagues above anything else available?
*Each Hammer is metal crafted by Ryan J Pitts (never manufactured)
*High Quality US metal
*TIG welded construction- Tungsten Inert Gas, a torch and filler rod, more artistic and bead control. Standard industry is MIG- Metal Inert Gas, wire fee, quicker cheaper way to weld.
*Stainless steel end caps and cover cap
*Grip Grooves on 1.9" diameter handle
*Large loading hole. 1-1/2". Shot loading can be a pain, the larger loading hole makes this easier
*Large range of weight options in 1 hammer. 12 lbs empty weight, use steel or lead shot to load up to 30 lbs. You could also use coins, washers, bolts, nuts, etc. Whatever you can fit into a 1-1/2" hole.
What will a SG Thor Hammer do for you?
Swinging or Smashing
*You'll gain wrist wrenching strength
*Gorilla like grip strength
*Popeye sized forearms
*Make use of the large pommel and turn your fingers into predator like talons
*Pronation and supination exercises to bring your competitor to their knees
*Tenacious triceps when used for extensions
*True Hammer curls for hitting biceps in ways a dumbbell simply can't
* Crushing strength when doing hammer flies and presses