Sledgehammer Training Solution Smash Target
Old school training using a sledgehammer is a classic overall body strengthening and conditioning endeavor. When I was a kid(gotta love when a sentence starts with that) I would help my dad chop wood for my grandpa. I also had a whole house wood burner that took a lot of wood to be chopped to heat a 2 story old house. Today manual labor is less necessary to live which leaves us to find ways to stay active and engage our bodies or we get soft. Personally I love all forms of physical activity, I chose to make the pursuit of health a priority at age 14, and continue to do so at age 51. One of my go to activities is Sledgehammer training. Since I enjoy the movement and physical strength that swinging and smashing brings, I came up with the SMASH Target in 2010. It was a trail and error journey to find a compact, indestructible, portable and convenient solution for using a sledgehammer without needing a huge tractor tire to smash. The end result was heavy duty skid loader tires. They are beefy thick rubber tires that weigh 80-90 lbs, cut in two they weigh 40-45 lbs. Set them up and you can smash the arc of the tire in many ways. Smash and rebound for reps, for time, interval smashing and my favorite moving around the target as you smash. The SMASH Target remains our best seller and we have saved over 23 tons!! of rubber from the landfill by repurposing and turning them into one of the best sledgehammer training solutions on the market.
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